Old Announcements
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last edited
by Andy Auffarth 3 years, 5 months ago
- 3.9.2021 BCPS Virtual Solo Festival information is here! Click here for information.
- 3.2.2021 PHHS Tri-M interest meeting TOMORROW March 3rd from 1-2pm! This is an amazing music honor society in need of new members and it looks great on a resume! They have some really cool things they are in the process of planning for the rest of the school year. Google Meet code phhstrim.
- 12.14.2020 Christmas Festival Backing Tracks for Symphony Orchestra available here
- 12.14.2020 Christmas Festival Parts for Symphony Orchestra available here
- 10.1.20- https://forms.gle/F5gHynTzousMfFBR9. Use this link to order additional spirit wear items with our 2020 show logo! You can order short-sleeve T's, long-sleeve T's, sweatshirts, and pullover hoodies. Please complete this form and submit payment before Tuesday, October 6. Payments can be made at perryhallbandboosters.org through Paypal (with a 5% convenience fee required by Paypal). Alternatively, checks can be made out to "Perry Hall Band Boosters Inc" (with no fee) and mailed to our PO Box.
- 9.4.20- Spiritwear store is OPEN! Must order on/before 9/26. Merch arrives 2-3 weeks after. Socially distanced pick-up TBD. https://phhsband.itemorder.com/sale
- 8.6.20- Marching Band Info Night is scheduled for Tuesday, 8/11 at 6:30pm. If you did not receive the email link, please contact Mr. Auffarth and Mr. Kupyak.
- 6.19.20-Online registration for the 2020-2021 Marching Band Season is now open! Register here.
- 6.19.20-Plans released for the 2020-2021 Marching Band Season! Information available here.
- 6.19.20-Congratulations to the newly selected student leaders! Leadership document available here.
- 2.6.20- Marching Band Student Leader Application available online! Submit by February 14. Interviews are tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, March 10 and Wednesday, March 11.
- 1.29.20- Adjudication information for all bands 2020.pdf has been distributed. Even though both Symphonic Winds and Wind Ensemble are performing the same day, they will not be travelling together due to the long time between performances.
- 11.15.19- ALL students and chaperones attending the QVC West Chester Christmas parade MUST DOWNLOAD, PRINT, FILL OUT, and SIGN the QVC West Chester parade release form.pdf. Place it in the Booster Box in the band room NO LATER than Friday, 11/22.
- 10.22.19- BCPS Showcase at Woodlawn HS.pdf confirmed.
- 10.12.19- Judges' tapes from Westminster MMBA show have been uploaded. Please listen to the recordings from the judges before Tuesday's rehearsal so we can have informed conversations about getting better!
- 10.25.19- 8th Grade Move Up Night.pdf is coming soon! Make sure you register online! Download, print, and practice your music from our files found here: Stand Shorties (middle school). See you at practice on Tuesday, October 22nd @ 7pm.
- 10.2.19- Tentative itinerary for Mummer's Parade.pdf is available. Includes a group dinner!!! Don't forget this is a nighttime parade so every section needs to find a way to LIGHT UP!
- 9.24.19- Homecoming.pdf information and times.
- 9.17.19- March-a-Thon documents distributed at tonight's rehearsal: March-a-thon.pdf , March-a-thon Incentive Matrix.pdf , and March-a-thon Record Sheet.pdf .
- 9.16.19- Tentative Westminster HS Show.pdf itinerary is now available.
- 9.12.19- Away Football Game Itinerary 9-21-19.pdf now available.
- 9.5.19- Back to School night- Band information sheet.pdf available in case you missed it!
- 9.3.19- Home Football Game Itinerary 9-6-19.pdf now available to view. The generic football game itinerary for the rest of the season can be viewed here: Home Football Game Itinerary.pdf
- 8.27.19- Reisterstown Festival Parade with Map.pdf now available to view.
- 8.19.19- New Teacher Orientation.pdf for Wednesday, August 21st.
- 7.26.19- DCI Annapolis Special Schedule 2019.pdf for Tuesday, July 30th.
- 6.27.19- 2019 Battery.pdf
- 6.25.19- Percussion Camp: Saturday, July 23 9am-1pm. Color Guard Camps: Wednesday and Thursday, July 17-18 4:30-7:30pm.
- 6.25.19- You should receive the Marching Band Summer Mailing 2019.pdf within the next week, but you may download it from here to get the information now. Don't forget to use the recordings found on Yas Queen to work on memorizing "Dancing Queen." Percussionists - you will receive updated parts as they become available.
- 5.30.19- MB Counselor Registration 2019 - UPDATED.pdf is now available to members of the Class of 2019. Please review ALL information as the camp structure this summer is different than years past.
- 5.24.19- PHHS Drumline Packet 2019.pdf is now available. Please practice and review the exercises before the audition camps on Friday, June 21 (3-7pm) and Sunday, June 23 (1-6pm).
- 5.14.19- MB Registration 2019 - UPDATED.pdf is available to download and print! $200 deposit and "Personal Information and Registration" page is due at the MANDATORY meeting on Thursday, June 6, 7-8:30pm in the PHHS auditorium.
- 4.15.19- Marching Band "Hype Day" for new and prospective members is NEXT WEEKEND! Please register for the event by clicking here and completing the online form. You can also download and view our flyer here.
- 2.19.19- Potential 2019 MB calendar.pdf
- 2.8.19- Congratulations to our 2019 Marching Band Student Leadership.pdf! More info will be coming soon regarding leadership training camps.
- 1.15.19- Sunday, February 3rd is the TU Brass and Percussion Day. Register for the event here.
- 1.10.19- Solo and Ensemble Registration.pdf is now available. The document must be turned in by Friday, 1/25, and updates can be made as late as Wednesday, 1/30. Solo & Ensemble lists in Excel format hosted on MMEA website: Click here for solos and click here for ensembles. Then use the sort/filter options above each column to isolate pieces which work for you.
- 1.9.19- Drum Major Conducting Audition Information and electronic copies of scores for each option:
- 11.25.18- 2018 Marching Band Awards Banquet.pdf
- 11.22.18- ONLINE Marching Band Superlatives!
- 11.19.18- White Marsh Holiday Parade and Mayors Christmas Parade.pdf has been uploaded to the wiki.
- 11.14.18- Use this link to submit feedback on the 2018 Gator Marching Band season.
- 11.2.18- Student Leader Applications for the 2019 season are live. Please complete the application by the end of the month. All applicants will also be interviewed. Interviews will be in early December and sign-ups for interview times will be posted by the end of the month.
- 10.15.18- Mummer's Parade.pdf and BCPS Showcase at Woodlawn HS.pdf itineraries have been uploaded. NEWEST update @ 5pm.
- 10.2.18- White Marsh Volunteer Fire Company Grand Opening.pdf itinerary has been added to the wiki and will be reviewed at tonight's rehearsal.
- 9.22.18- Westminster HS Show.pdf information has been added to the wiki.
- 9.21.18- Homecoming.pdf information has been added to the wiki.
- 9.11.18- Document for the March-A-Thon went home at rehearsal today (March-a-thon.pdf, March-a-thon Incentive Matrix.pdf, March-a-thon Record Sheet.pdf).
- 8.30.18- Reisterstown Festival Parade with Map.pdf has been uploaded. It will be distributed at tonight's rehearsal.
- 8.30.18- County Honors Music 2018 has been uploaded to the wiki. You may view, download, and print as needed.
- 8.15.18- 2018-2019 All State Requirements.pdf has been uploaded to the wiki. If you do not own the book, please see your director for a copy.
- 8.7.18- New Teacher Orientation.pdf was given out at rehearsal. It contains information about New Teacher Orientation and the BCPS Fest. 2018 Stand Tunes.pdf has also been uploaded to the wiki to view/download/print.
- 7.27.18-Camp Ramblewood Information.pdf was discussed today. Remember to make sure you are at Ramblewood by 2pm on Sunday!
- 7.25.18- MB Handbook 2018.pdf was given to all students today. The last page needs to be filled out and turned in ASAP.
- 7.24.18- The powerpoint presentation given at the Rookie Marching Band Parent meeting on 7/23 is available to view here.
- 7.18.18- Part 1- WDStF and PM- Drill.pdf, Part 1- WDStF and PM- Dots.pdf, are available to view! Number parts will be assigned later.
- 6.22.18- Summer Mailing 2018.pdf has been sent to all band members.
- 6.7.18- MB Counselor Registration 2018.pdf is available to download and print by clicking here. Registration is due ASAP and the summer meeting is Monday, July 23 at 12:30pm.
- 5.14.18- 2018 Marching Band Registration paperwork is available to download and print by clicking here. Registration is due at Registration Night on Thursday June 7th @ 7pm in the auditorium.
- 5.9.18- Our new GATOR SKIN custom drum slips for our drumline!
- 4.8.18- Marching Band Hype Day Registration (Saturday, May 12)
- 3.13.18- 04 Slow Blues In F Concert.m4a for Piano II class
- 3.9.18- Wind Ensemble practice notes 3-9-18.pdf
- 2.16.18- The 2018-19 Marching Band Student Leader Application is live and online! Please complete within one week to be considered for a position.
- 2.1.18- Wind Ensemble homework (in lieu of a PC) due Friday, February 9, 2018: complete the Wind Band Literature Review for Female Composers.pdf based on selections from the composers provided or those you find on your own.
- 1.25.18- Tri-M Application.pdf and Tri-M Interest Letter.pdf are available to download and print.
- 1.24.18- Adjudication information for all bands 2018.pdf is now available to view. Both Symphonic Winds and Wind Ensemble are performing at BCPS Music Assessments on Wednesday March 14, 2018 during the school day. Permission slips will be given out later this week.
- 1.23.18- Solo & Ensemble lists in Excel format hosted on MMEA website: Click here for solos and click here for ensembles. Registration is due Friday, January 26 and can be updated until Wednesday, January 31. Registration paperwork is available in the band room or can be downloaded and printed here.
- 11.30.17- White Marsh Holiday Parade.pdf information (Saturday, 12/2) is now available to view.
- 11.29.17- Complete Drum Major Superlatives (PHHS).pdf and submit it to a Drum Major after parade rehearsal (11/30 2:30-4pm).
- 11.21.17- Tri-M Winter Newsletter Letter.pdf given out at the yearbook photo today is now available to view.
- 11.20.17- Student conductor lesson feedback and band member lesson feedback.
- 11.15.17- Concert Dress Information.pdf and Concert Tuxedo Information.pdf is available to view here. These are generic documents not specific to any one person.
- 11.14.17- County Honor Jazz music and information sheet are uploaded to the wiki. Auditions are Saturday, January 6th at Cockeysville Middle School.
- 11.3.17- MORE UPDATED itinerary for Mid-Atlantic Regional Championships.pdf has been uploaded to the wiki. Updates include dinner information at Downtown Silver Spring.
- 10.21.17- Judge commentary from MD state championships have been uploaded to the wiki. Please review over the week.
- 10.18.17- MD States info compressed 2017.pdf is available to view. Information in the packet includes the full schedule, permitted and prohibited items in the stadium, driving directions, and parking information.
- 10.17.17- Congratulations to all our gators who made the 2017 County Honor Band and Orchestra. Rehearsals start NEXT week on Thursday, October 26th.
- 10.16.17- Maryland State Championships- final.pdf has been uploaded. Performance time is officially 3:45pm.
- 10.16.17- Check out this youtube playlist! It's the Navy band members performing excerpts from the 2017 All-State band auditions.
- 10.14.17- Ensemble music judge and Visual judge tapes from Westminster are on the wiki.
- 10.13.17- Updated practice charts are now available in the Important Documents section. Or click here for winds and here for percussion.
- 10.12.17- BCPS Showcase at Woodlawn HS.pdf is now available. Students should download/print/view "God Bless America" and begin practicing so they can be ready for the performance.
- 10.9.17- Here is the *UPDATED* itinerary for Westminster HS Show.pdf on Saturday, October 14. We will load the truck after the football game the night before.
- 10.2.17- Here is the first draft of times and information for Homecoming.pdf this Friday night.
- 10.2.17- Judge Commentary for the Arundel HS show (10.1.17) have been uploaded to the wiki. Please review before Wednesday's practice.
- 9.25.17- Marching band show shirts (both "2017 Heart" and generic) are available for reorder. The order cannot be placed until I have received enough orders for a total of 48 pieces. Please submit ASAP so we can place the order.
- 9.25.17- Rehearsal on Monday, 10/2 has been cancelled. Enjoy the night off after our first competition!
- 9.22.17- Arundel HS Show.pdf itinerary is now available.
- 9.6.17- Document for the March-a-thon Fundraiser on Saturday, September 23rd were given out in rehearsal today. If you need extras please download and print them here: March-a-thon.pdf, March-a-thon Record Sheet.pdf, March-a-thon Incentive Matrix.pdf. REMEMBER that donations to the March-a-thon are TAX DEDUCTIBLE!
- 9.5.17- Check out the Towson University Music Major for a Day 2017.pdf flyer. There are only 125 spots so register yourself ASAP!
- 8.30.17- The video of the drill for the entire Heart production is now available on youtube. Keep in mind the music is the original version without any of our updates. So as you watch it, please view it more as a visual reference than a musical one.
- 8.30.17- County Honors Audition music for band and orchestra is now available to download and print!
- 8.22.17- *NEW* Part 3 material has been uploaded to the Heart folder. New music for the ending, drill counts, drill pages, and dot sheets.
- 7.25.17- MB Handbook 2017.pdf will be given out tomorrow (Wednesday). Please read through it so you know the information inside and sign and return the last page.
- 7.24.17- Are you a parent of a marching band rookie? If you missed the meeting tonight, you can download and view the powerpoint here: Perry Hall Marching Band Rookie Parent Guide .ppt. This survival guide is full of great information for you to maximize your experience as a parent of a marching gator!
- 7.21.17- New stand tune options: hip-hop riffs like this or hooks from classic rock like this. Leadership- let Mr. Engel know ASAP through Remind messages.
- 7.19.17- The Homecoming game was marked incorrectly on the summer mailing. It has been fixed and updated on this site. Please note the Homecoming football game is on Friday, October 6th vs. Dulaney and the Homecoming dance is the following evening.
- 7.18.17- Drill information for part 1 is now available.
- 6.30.17- The marching band Summer Mailing 2017.pdf should be arriving at your listed home address next week. If yours does not arrive, please download it here and review the information with your parents. Section leaders will be in touch for sectionals over the next few weeks. Band camp is only 24 days away!
- 6.28.17- Thank you to all students who auditioned for our battery for the 2017 season. The list of who has made the ensemble is viewable here 2017 Battery.pdf. Your section leaders and staff members will be in touch soon regarding what you need to learn and practice before the next camp. Battery students may sign out drums and take them home so they can practice on them. Please contact Mr. Engel if you would like to do this.
- 6.22.17- Marching band percussion packets are available to download. Please download (and print) the corresponding packet for you: either battery or front ensemble. Begin looking at the music so you are prepared for mini-camps this weekend. Those who would like to play in the battery will be required to audition this weekend so get started!
- 6.20.17- Guard order stuff.pdf to be given out during mini-camp on Wednesday, June 21. Flag selections for "Heart" show.
- 5.17.17- MB Counselor Registration UPDATED.pdf is available to download and print!
- 5.11.17- MB Registration UPDATED 2017.pdf is available to download and print! First payment, parent/guardian profile forms, registration and spirit wear orders are due before the school year ends. Please hand deliver to Mr. Engel or Mr. Kupyak or mail to the high school (4601 Ebenezer Road, Nottingham, MD 21236).
- 5.5.17- Thank you to all students who applied to be student leaders. Congratulations to those selected to lead the band during the 2017 season!
- 5.3.14- Marching Band "Hype Day" for new and prospective members is NEXT WEEKEND! Please register for the event by clicking here and completing the online form. You can also download and view our flyer here.
- 3.5.17- Marching band camp dates for our 2017 summer band camp will run from Monday, July 24 through Friday, August 4. Please spread the word!
- 2.1.17- bingo sponsorship 2017 baskets and purses.pdf is available. Please view the document and contact Melanie Grupp (410-256-3897) or Laurie Dietrich (443-690-5262) to determine which bag/basket you would like to sponsor. Remember there are raffle ticket incentives based on the level of bag/basket sponsorship. Thank you for your support!
- 1.31.17- Adjudication information for all bands 2017.pdf is available. Symphonic Winds will perform on Thursday, 3/9 @ 4:30pm. Wind Ensemble will perform on Friday, 3/10 @ 4:30pm.
- 1.30.17- 2017-18 Marching band student leadership application is now live! Please click here to complete the form. We suggest you read the questions posted here and type your thoughts into a word document. When you have completed the document, simply copy and paste your answers into the Google form hyperlinked above.
- 1.3.17- Solo and Ensemble registration will begin soon. To see what is available for you click here for a solo and click here for an ensemble.
- 11.29.16- Jingle Bells parts are available for you to download, print, and memorize for Thursday's practice. The parade itinerary is also available here for you to review *PLEASE NOTE the route is REVERSE from previous years.*
- 11.11.16- Thanks to Bob Grupp for providing video of our performances. Check out PRELIMS here and FINALS here.
- 11.1.16- Mid-Atlantic Regional Championships.pdf itinerary is now available. This is the FULL version.
- 10.24.16- Towson University Honor Band sign ups are live. Visit this link to sign up and then talk to your band director so they can complete your registration.
- When: Saturday, December 10th. Its a one-day event culminating with a concert in the evening by both bands and the TU Symphonic Band
- Where: Towson University Campus, 7700 Osler Drive, Towson MD, 21204
- Fees: 25 Dollars a Student, Checks made payable to TU Foundation (money pays for things like shirt, food, etc...)
- Directors: Brian Balmages, John Miliauskas, Eric Posner, and Chris Cicconi
- 10.24.16- Final itinerary for MD state championships has been uploaded. Itinerary for BCPS Showcase of Bands has been uploaded.
- 10.17.16- Stand Shorties for 8th Grade Move-Up Night!
- 10.15.16- Judges' tapes from Reservoir High School have been uploaded.
- 10.13.16- Congratulations to all those who made the County Honor Band or County Honor Orchestra!
- 10.6.16- Pep rally and homecoming.pdf information has been added to the wiki.
- 9.27.16- Tentative itinerary for Reservoir HS Show.pdf is now available.
- 9.26.16- Judges' tapes from Century HS (9/24/16). Video provided by Bob Grupp.
- 9.22.16- Symphonic Band videos for classwork.
- 9.21.16- Drone video 1 from the March-a-thon. Drone video 2 from the March-a-thon. Thanks to Dave Dorzey for taking the video!
- 9.7.16- Tentative itinerary for the Century High School show on Saturday, 9/24 has been uploaded to the wiki.
- 9.6.16- *NEW* Performance set at Timonium Fairgrounds for the Mid-Atlantic Food, Beverage, and Lodging Expo. A pep band contingent will perform stand tunes and cadence through the Cow Palace. Itinerary can be viewed here.
- 8.29.16- Documents for the March-a-Thon on Saturday, September 17th were passed out tonight at rehearsal. March-a-thon.pdf is the donation document to provide to donors. March-a-thon Record Sheet.pdf needs to be turned in with the money by Friday, 9/16. March-a-thon Incentive Matrix.pdf outlines the prizes awarded to those who raise funds above the required $50.
- 8.25.16- County Honors audition music has been uploaded. Please review the Honor Band/Orchestra Scale Requirements as well as download/print the two selections you need. Flutes who would like to play piccolo have a third piece. Percussionists have a piece for mallets, snare, and timpani.
- 8.12.16- DeComposers- Drill Counts for Part 3.pdf have been added to the DeComposers Drill folder. Please review and begin marking your music.
- 8.10.16- AP theory summer packet.pdf is available to download and print if you do not have a paper copy (also available in the band room).
- 8.8.16- Please view and critique the Drone video of Part 1 from parent show and the Drone video of Part 2 from the parent show.
- 7.30.16- Sample video of the drill for part 3 is available on youtube.
- 7.30.16- Please critically review yesterday's final run-through.
- 7.28.16- New Teacher Orientation and Midweek Reminders.pdf was distributed this afternoon. Please review all the information to be prepared for the next two weeks.
- 7.28.16- Please critically review last night's final run-through.
- 7.27.16- Sample video of the drill for part 2 is available on youtube.
- 7.26.16- Calling all PARENTS, FAMILY, FRIENDS! We need your help! We need a trailer cart for the season to build our Zombie Organ! If you have one we can borrow or know someone who has one we can borrow, please email Mr. Engel (sengel2@bcps.org) as soon as possible!
- 7.22.16- Percussionists- this is going to be a fun season! Here's why...
- 7.22.16- Drill sheets and dot charts are available for viewing, downloading, and printing by clicking here.
- 7.19.16- Guard get hyped! Take a look at your flags and uniform concept for your show!
- 7.19.16- Sample video of the drill for part 1 is available on youtube.
- 6.30.16- Summer Mailing 2016.pdf should arrive at your house next week. All wind players will also be receiving music for DeComposers: Part I in the envelope. Feel free to download the electronic version of the summer mailing for your perusal in the meantime.
- 6.17.16- Marching Band Counselor Registration is now on the wiki!
- 6.14.16- Congratulations to the newest members of the Perry Hall High School Pan Groove! Since this year's group is almost entirely Seniors, I will be looking to start a second group throughout the school year to get ready for 2017-2018. All those that auditioned are welcome to be a part of that group!
- 6.3.16- Congratulations to our student leaders for our upcoming 2016 marching season!
- 5.18.16- 2016 Marching band registration forms are now available! Download and print the plain document here or you can download and fill out the online form here, which then needs to be printed and submitted. If you cannot print at home, then pick up registration papers from the band room at school.
- 4.18.16- Marching Band Hype Day for Rising 8th Graders!
- 4.8.16- Check out recordings of the music for our 2016 Marching Band show called "DeComposers!"
- 3.8.16- Initial details regarding Basketball Pep Band.pdf have been uploaded.
- 2.13.16- Disney Ensemble Rehearsal Schedule 2016.pdf has been uploaded and the Disney band rehearsal dates have been added to the live band calendar.
- 2.17.16- Symphonic band students: don't forget to complete your image search homework (PDF). The image and the written assignment can be turned in on paper or electronically.
- 2.11.16- You can view the Vera Bradley Bags and Longaberger Baskets available to sponsor by clicking here. If you would like to sponsor a bag or basket, please contact Melanie Grupp at bobandmelanie1@verizon.net. Here is a link to the main flyer with all the BINGO information.
- 1.15.16- You can download the Tri-M Honor Society Interest Letter and Tri-M Application here.
- 1.13.16- Pit Orchestra Schedule.pdf is available for download and print.
- 1.7.16- Updated Disney forms for ATS Enrollment and Medical Forms. All forms are due by Monday, February 1st.
- 1.7.16- Bertucci's fundraiser flyer for Disney trip is being distributed this week. Fundraiser night is Wednesday, January 13th.
- 1.6.16- Marching band student leader application information has been posted. Applications are due Friday, January 15th.
- 12.18.15- Marching Band Yearbook photo is available here for download.
- 12.11.15- Indoor Drumline Information.pdf has been added to the wiki. Audition parts will be available next week in the band room.
- 12.1.15- Jingle Bells parts have been uploaded. Download yours and practice so you are ready to play from memory on Thursday night.
- 12.1.15- Honors Jazz 2015-16 music has been uploaded. Make sure to review the requirements page and BOTH of the excerpts for your instrument. The improvisational solo background music can be downloaded here.
- 11.30.15- White Marsh Holiday Parade.pdf itinerary for Saturday has been uploaded.
- 11.12.15- Submitting Scale Tests.docx document has been uploaded.
- 11.4.15- Videos from our State Championship show are now available: high shot (easier to see drill but music balance isn't as good) or low shot (musical balance is good but harder to see drill). Thanks to Ms. Kristen and Mr. Grupp for providing these videos for us!
- 11.2.15- Perry Hall Middle School Recruitment Show.pdf itinerary has been uploaded. Please note report time is 6:45am! Please plan to get a ride to school because most buses will not get here in time. Remember, these are our last performances of the show!
- 11.1.15- MD States (11/1) tapes are available to listen.
- 10.27.15- Maryland State Championships.pdf draft itinerary has been uploaded. Please review before Wednesday's rehearsal.
- 10.26.15- Video from performance at showcase. We will view and critique this performance tonight at rehearsal.
- 10.24.15- Broadneck (10/24) tapes are available to listen.
- 10.23.15- BCPS Showcase at Woodlawn HS.pdf has been uploaded. Report time is 12:15pm.
- 10.22.15- Stand Shorties for 8th Grade Move-Up Night!
- 10.21.15- Solo and Ensemble pieces that qualify are available- click here for a solo and click here for an ensemble.
- 10.19.15- Video of tonight's run of Completing the Circle. View it. Critique it. And prepare for Wednesday's rehearsal!
- 10.15.15- Draft of itinerary for Broadneck HS show (10/24) has been uploaded to the wiki. Report time is 11am. Performace is 6:15pm. Full schedule of performances for the day can be viewed here.
- 10.13.15- Paperwork for the Spring Break 2016 trip to Disney World is now available. This is updated with corrected information.
- 10.7.15- Dot sheets for Part IV are uploaded.
- 10.7.15- An UPDATED schedule for the remainder of the season will be passed out at rehearsal tonight. Major changes to our remaining competitions were made to accommodate a change at the USBands level.
- 10.3.15- Judges' tapes for the Northwest show (10/3) are available to listen.
- 10.3.15- County Honor Audition Times (band) and cover sheet have been uploaded. Please print and complete the cover sheet with the information provided on the Audition Times document.
- 9.30.15- UPDATED itinerary for October 3rd performance has been uploaded. We are no longer performing at Westminster HS.
- 9.29.15- Video of the performance at Homecoming can be viewed here. Thanks to Ms. Kristen for taping it for us. Please view the video and evaluate yourself and the ensemble with a critical eye. What do YOU need to improve on? What do WE need to improve on?
- 9.24.15- Final version of itinerary for October 3rd has been uploaded. One additional band was added since the draft itinerary so all the times for Westminster have been pushed back 15 minutes.
- 9.19.15- Judges' tapes for Northern (9/19) have been uploaded. Over the week, listen to them and gain perspective on what the judge sees, hears, and comments on. Congratulations on your first competition of the season! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
- 9.15.15- 2015 Show Shirt reorder form has been uploaded. Please preorder the short sleeve and long sleeve t-shirts you want. This is the only way to guarantee we don't run out of the sizes you are looking for!
- 9.11.15- Draft of itinerary for double show on October 3rd has been uploaded.
- 9.9.15- Drill videos can be accessed by clicking the links here. Keep in mind that we have made some alterations from the originals so it will not be 100% accurate to our performed version. Part 1- First Circle & Spin Me Round. Part 2- Bicycle Race. Part 3- Cycle Song. Part 4- Circle of Life.
- 9.8.15- Wind Ensemble seating has been updated. Congratulations on a very successful audition. This is sure to be a great year for this ensemble!
- 9.4.15- Symphonic Band Percussion Note Trainer : 10 minute treble clef note reading challenge. Assignment is due SUNDAY, 9/6. Once you have completed your trainer, go to this Google form to enter your code.
- 9.2.15- Drill Counts for Part 3.docx have been uploaded to the wiki. Dot sheets for Part 3 have been uploaded. Dot sheets for Part 2 have been updated.
- 9.2.12- Official itinerary for Northern HS show on 9/19 has been uploaded.
- 9.1.15- Percussion Ensemble note trainer homework: 10 minute treble clef note reading challenge. Assignment is due WEDNESDAY, 9/2. The goal is SPEED and ACCURACY. If you score less than 95%, restart it. Submit your highest score that is at least 95%. Once you have completed your trainer, go to this Google form to enter your code. If you get 97% score answering 175 or more notes, you will receive DOUBLE EXTRA CREDIT!
- 8.28.15- Percussion Ensemble note trainer homework: 10 minute treble clef note reading challenge. Assignment is due SUNDAY, 8/30. The goal is SPEED and ACCURACY. If you score less than 95%, restart it. Submit your highest score that is at least 95%. Once you have completed your trainer, go to this Google formto enter your code. If you get 97% score answering 350 or more notes, you will receive DOUBLE EXTRA CREDIT!
- 8.24.15- County Honors Audition Music has been uploaded to the wiki for you to download, print, and begin practicing! There are many files so you may need to click ahead to a second page to access them all (including the scale requirements page).
- 8.14.15- New music for Pan Groove has been uploaded for your perusal!
- 8.13.15- Wind parts for Part 3 and Part 4 are now available to print. Discard any previous versions you may have.
- 8.11.15- Summer Packet for AP Music Theory students is available to download and print.
- 8.6.15- Dot sheets for Part 2 and Drill counts for Part 2 have been uploaded to the wiki.
- 7.31.15- Dot sheets for Part 1 have been uploaded to the wiki. Please print from this if you lose your dot sheet.
- 7.27.15- Drill counts for Part 1 have been uploaded. Please mark your music accordingly.
- 7.27.15- .mp4 videos of the drill to this point (with woodwind/brass audio) are available to view. Please click on the links below for the videos:
- 7.20.15- Wiki has been updated with all band events for the entire 2015-2016 school year. The marching band weekend events calendar has also been uploaded on the wiki for you to download and print.
- 7.20.15- Woodwinds and Brass have rehearsal tomorrow from 10am-3pm (leadership report at 9am). Della Rose's fundraiser follows until 9pm. Please bring the flyer given out at the rehearsal or print it here.
- 7.7.15- .wav file for the Part III sketch is now available. It still needs a big finish and for Mr. Selba and Mr. Combs to flesh it out. See if you can figure out the time signature(s). And don't forget to check out the original song by Imogen Heap, "Cycle Song."
- 7.2.15- Parts for download, printing, and .wav files can now be accessed for Part II- Bicycle Race. This is not the final form, but a solid rough draft that you could certainly start practicing.
- 7.2.15- Summer Mailing will be arriving at your provided mailing address at the beginning of next week. All woodwind and brass players need to memorizePart I- First Circle + Spin Me Round for the first day of camp. Parts can be downloaded and printed by clicking here. You can also listen to the .wav file to practice. Percussion parts will be given out separately from Mr. Combs and Mr. Selba.
- 6.9.15- Online flash cards for the Band Final Level I can be found by visiting this link. Practice the different kinds of study methods for maximize effectiveness!
- 5.30.15- Marching band registration and counselor registration packets are now uploaded to the wiki. If you did not get one in school, feel free to print it at home and send it in. Registration is due by June 5th, but late applications will be accepted.
- 5.12.15- Marching Band Hype Day for new members to check out our program is Saturday, May 30th from 10am to 3pm. There will also be a parent meet-and-greet at 2pm followed by a performance at 3pm. Please fill out this google form to register for the event!
- 4.15.15- Come check out the jazz students from Perry Hall High perform alongside those from Towson University in our 4th annual Perry Hall Jazz Festival!Download, share, and print the flyer here!
- 4.15.15- Don't forget our restaurant night at the Texas Roadhouse is Monday, April 20th. That's next week! Here is a copy of the flyer you can print out and bring with you so we get 10% of our sales!
- 4.9.15- Listen to the first draft of the opener of our 2015 marching band show, "Completing the Circle." The opener features an intro with "First Circle" by Pat Metheny and then switches over to Dead or Alive's "You Spin Me Round." Percussion parts are just sketches or missing entirely as they will be filled in by Mr. Welker in the near future.
- 4.2.15- For the second consecutive year the PHHS Pit Orchestra has been nominated for a Cappie award (Tony award for high schools). Special congratulations to Colleen Michael, clarinet, for putting together the Cappie guide book. Additionally, band students Jason Wong, Nolan Breysse, and Rhiannon Owen were also nominated for Cappie awards!
- 4.1.15- Wind Ensemble students go here to register your part numbers for the spring concert music.
- 3.25.15- Congratulations to the Wind Ensemble under the direction of Mr. Engel and the Symphonic Winds and Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Mr. Kupyak for earning all "Superior" ratings at festival this year! This is the second year in a row that all three instrumental ensembles have earned "Superior" ratings!
- 2.12.15- Assessment times for Symphonic Winds and Wind Ensemble have been finalized! Symphonic Winds will be performing at 5pm on Wednesday, March 11th and Wind Ensemble will be performing at 7pm on Thursday, March 12th.
- 2.4.15- Congratulations to band members Nolan Breysse, Noah Gaylor, Jake Ingalls, Rhiannon Owen, and Hannah Warren for being selected into the BCPS Side by Side Orchestra with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra!
- 2.14.15- Congratulations to band members Julia Ciattei, Nolan Breysse, Noah Gaylor, Jake Ingalls, Shawn Layfield, and Hannah Warren for being selected into the BCPS All Honors Jazz Band!
- 2.3.15- Marching band leadership for 2015 has been chosen. Thank you to all who auditioned and congratulations to those who earned a spot on next year's leadership team.
- 2.2.15- Bob Evans Fundraiser on Tuesday, February 17th. Make sure you bring a paper copy of the flyer- Bob Evans Flyer PHHS Band Feb 17 2015.pdf.
- 1.30.15- Spring BINGO information is available for download! Bingo flyer for classes (front and back).pdf contains all the necessary information for ordering tickets, sponsoring bags and baskets, and the donation assignments for each grade level. Baskets and Bags no names 1-28-15.pdf is a catalog of all the bags and baskets which need to be sponsored by parents, family, friends, or companies.
- 1.12.15- Marching Band Student Leadership Audition information has been posted in the band room. Marching auditions will be conducted after school on Friday, January 23rd (half day) with interviews to follow on an as-needed basis on Friday, January 30th. All applicants must submit their typed applications to Mr. Engel or Mr. Kupyak by Wednesday, January 21st. Student Leader App.pdf can be viewed here.
- 1.12.15- Marching Band camp days for 2015 are July 27 through August 7. Book it!
- 1.8.15- Solo and Ensemble information has been posted. Registration due by Friday, 1/16. To see what is available for you click here for a solo and click here for an ensemble.
- 12.1.14- Itinerary for Saturday's performance at the White Marsh Holiday Parade has been uploaded! Remember that we have practice on Wednesday 6-7pm!
- 11.25.14- Wind parts for "Jingle Bells" are uploaded to the wiki. Click here to go to the folder!
- 10.30.14-Panel magic.mov has been uploaded to the wiki. FINALS HYPE!!
- 10.27.14- Music in Motion- Northeast 2014.pdf itinerary has been uploaded to the wiki (performance is 11.1.14).
- 10.20.14- State Championships.pdf itinerary has been uploaded to the wiki (performance is 10.25.14).
- 10.20.14- BCPS Showcase at Woodlawn HS.pdf itinerary has been uploaded to the wiki (performance is 10.26.14).
- 10.20.14- Baltimore Blast game.pdf itinerary has been uploaded to the wiki (performance is 11.8.14).
- 10.7.14- Pep rally, drumline, homecoming, and states.pdf has been uploaded to the wiki!
- 10.1.14- Perry Hall Middle School Recruitment Show.pdf and Paint Branch HS show.pdf have been uploaded.
- 9.26.14- Photos from the Westminster show (9/20) can be accessed here.
- 9.20.14- Tapes from the Westminster show (9/20) are uploaded to the wiki!
- 9.18.14- Printable PDFs of the Fight Song have been uploaded.
- 9.13.14- Performance at 3:30pm has been moved to the gymnasium. See you there!
- 9.12.14- Band parent back to school night info sheet.pdf has been uploaded.
- 9.11.14- Itinerary for our first competition on Saturday, 9/20 has been uploaded- Westminster HS Show.pdf
- 9.2.14- The BINGO ticket order form for parents and BINGO sponsorship for businesses have been updated. Click here to get information on ordering tickets or donating to the Band Booster BINGO!
- 8.29.14- The requirements and music for the high school honor band have been uploaded. You may print directly from this wiki.
- 8.29.14- TheBaskets and Bags sponsor for wiki.pdf has been uploaded to the wiki. Please view this document and make a donation to sponsor these bags and baskets for the band program.
- 8.29.14- BINGO Sponsor incentive 2014.pdf and BINGO class filler themes 2014.pdf have been uploaded to the wiki. These papers went home today with A-day bands and will go home on Tuesday to B-day bands.
- 8.26.14- The Concert Calendar 14-15.pdf and Perry Hall Band Handbook 2014-15.pdf have been uploaded.
- 7.14.14- Band calendar page is live and updated with Marching Band events for the season.
- 5.29.14- Update Marching Band Registration forms are available by clicking here. Feel free to print, fill out, and submit to your band director. Registration is due June 4th (medical paperwork can be turned in at a later date).
- 5.13.14- Marching band camp days are officially July 21 through August 1 (M-F only).
- 4.22.14- All Disney travelers are encouraged to upload and check out photos on our Flickr page.
- 4.21.14- All Disney travelers and parents are asked to complete the Disney Trip Feedback Survey.
- 4.9.14- Registration for Marching Band Hype Day is live!
- 4.4.14- The 2014 Marching Band Theme is "A Soldier's Tale!" Check out the Prezi of the design (it's still a work in progress...)
- 3.28.14- Marching Band Theme Release Party is Friday, April 4th at 2:30pm. Click here to find out how to get into the party!
- 3.18.14- Symphonic Winds! Check out our recordings from assessment- congrats on a job well done! SW Assessment 2014
- 3.18.14- Congratulations to all those students selected into leadership positions for our upcoming fall marching season. Mr. Engel and Mr. Welker were impressed with all the applicants and encourage you to continue to strive to improve yourself and the band.
- 3.13.14- Marching band "Hype Day" for incoming 9th graders has been moved to Saturday, May 3rd from 10am to 3:30pm. Registration information will come soon!
- 3.13.14- Marching band camp dates are tentatively set for July 21 through August 1.
- 2.11.14- Student Leader App.pdf has been uploaded. Click on it to download!
- 1.22.14- Orchestra winds will rehearse tomorrow at 9:00AM- Please pass the word to other members!
- 1.10.14- Music lists for Solo and Ensemble festival (Microsoft Excel format): Click here for a solo and Click here for an ensemble.
- 12.3.13- White Marsh Holiday Parade (12/7) itinerary has been uploaded.
- 11.18.13- Baltimore Blast itinerary has been uploaded.
- 11.3.13- Tapes from Mid-Atlantic State Championships are available by clicking here!
- 10.29.13- Added links to Towson Times video and photo gallery from the BCPS Showcase.
- 10.29.13- UPDATED itinerary for Sunday (10/3)- Report time is 8:30am and rehearsal begins at 9am.
- 10.25.13- Itinerary for Mid-Atlantic State Championships (10/3) has been uploaded.
- 10.25.13- Flyer for purchasing tickets to the Baltimore Blast game featuring the Perry Hall Marching Band has been uploaded.
- 10.24.13- Itinerary for BCPS Showcase of Bands at Towson University has been uploaded.
- 10.22.13- Info regarding the band's performance at the Baltimore Blast! game can be found here. Remember, ticket orders for guests are due October 29th!
- 10.20.13- Video of Saturday's show is on youtube. Click here to view it!
- 10.19.13- Tapes from the Chesapeake Challenge are accessible by clicking here.
- 10.14.13- Itinerary for Chesapeake Challenge at Towson University has been uploaded.
- 10.10.13- The 2013-2014 Concert Calendar has been updated in pdf form.
- 10.8.13- Tapes from Westminster are posted-- Click here to listen!
- 10.4.12- Tapes from Century are posted-- Click here to listen!
- 9.30.13- Itinerary for Saturday's show at Westminster HS is now posted on the wiki. To reduce waste, paper copies will not be given out. You may request a paper copy if you cannot print it from the wiki.
- 9.23.13- Check out our performance from Saturday's competition! Find yourself and look for 3 things you can fix for the next rehearsal!
- 9.16.13- Itinerary for Saturday's show at Century HS was given out tonight. Click here to view it.
- 9.11.13-ALL MEMBERS AND STAFF- No rehearsal tonight due to BCPS early dismissal. We must, must, must be reviewing independently to make this Saturday successful!!!
- 8.29.13- Battery! Try this... https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10101406107616119&l=3805842390689521561
- 8.23.13- Printable wind parts, mp3s, and SmartMusic files for Part 2 and Part 4 are now available!
- 8.22.13- Audio for percussion is posted here: Perc Audio 2013 Frozen Fantasia
- 8.7.13- Itinerary for Tuesday's performance at New Teacher Orientation: Report at 7:30am in casual uniform. Perform between 8:20 and 8:30am in the auditorium to kick off the orientation meeting. Dismissal by 9am.
- 8.5.13- Drill pages and dot sheets for Parts I and II have been added to the site. Feel free to print what you need/like.
- 7.8.13- Woodwind and Brass parts for FROZEN FANTASIA I: Wizards in Winter are available here. A downloadable SmartMusic file is also available here so you can practice along!
- 7.8.13- Summer mailing is available now. It will go in the mail tomorrow and you should have it by the end of the week!
- 6.26.13- Percussion Exercises for camp can be accessed here: Perc Exercises 2013. Download and print the exercises for your section, battery don't forget legato 25's!
- 3.27.13- Band camp dates are July 22-August 2.
- 11.29.12- Itinerary for White Marsh Holiday Parade (12/1) was added.
- 11.20.12- Photos of auction items for Bull Roast and Shrimp Feast (12/8) have been uploaded.
- 11.13.12- Parts for Jingle Bells, the song we will play at the White Marsh Holiday Parade (12/1) have been added to the website.
- 11.12.12- Calendar has been updated to include dates and times for Awards Ceremony (11/26), Holiday Parade practice (11/28), and White Marsh Holiday Parade performance (12/1).
- 11.7.12- *UPDATED* Itinerary for National Championships at Navy-Marine Corps Stadium was added. Hard copies will be given out tonight.
- 10.31.12- Itinerary for State Championships at Towson University was given out at rehearsal tonight.
- 10.27.12- Showcase of Bands at Stevenson University is CANCELLED. No make-up date is scheduled.
- 10.22.12- Itinerary for Showcase of Bands at Stevenson University was given out at rehearsal tonight.
- 10.17.12- This paper went home tonight at rehearsal detailing the Pep Rally, Drumline performance on Friday, Homecoming, and State Championship tickets!
- 10.14.12- Judges' tapes from Marching Band performance at Westminster HS on 10.13 have been uploaded. Listen, analyze, assess, and develop a plan of action!
- 9.30.12- Judges' tapes from Marching Band performance at Arundel HS on 9.29 have been uploaded. Listen, analyze, assess, and develop a plan of action!
- 9.27.12- Practice charts have been added to the Important Documents section.
- 9.24.12- National Championships in Annapolis has officially changed to SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10th! This will resolve the conflict with the County Honors rehearsal on Sunday, November 11th at Morgan State University.
- 9.12.12- Added the Spirit Wear and "Impressions of Persia" shirt orders to the Important Documents section.
- 8.24.12- Added an Important Documents section to the wiki consolidating some loose files. PARENTS- CHECK IT OUT!
- 8.22.12- MB dues balance sheets and March-a-Thon! packets went home at rehearsal!
- 8.20.12- This paper went home tonight at rehearsal detailing shoes, socks, and other things!
- 8.16.12- ALL parts for Impressions of Persia (MB show music) are available for download and printing!
- 8.6.12- PERCUSSION UPDATE- Click here for Street Beat 2012
- 7.16.12- Updated and formatted Stand Shorties parts are now also available for download! Click Stand Shorties to get your parts!
Old Announcements
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